Irish Red Setter Breed Standard

Utilization: Gun dog and family dog
Classification: Group 7 (Pointing Dogs)
General Appearance: Racy and athletic, full of quality, kindly in expression. Balanced and in proportion.
Behaviour/Temperament: Keen, intelligent, energetic, affectionate and loyal. Head: Long and lean, and not coarse at the ears. Muzzle and skull of equal length and on parallel lines.

Cranial Region:

Skull: Oval (from ear to ear), having plenty of brain room, and with well defined occipital protuberance. Brows raised.
Stop: Well defined.

Facial Region:

Nose: The colour of the nose is dark mahogany, or dark walnut or black, the nostrils wide.
Muzzle: Moderately deep and fairly square at the end. Flews not pendulous.
Jaws/Teeth: Jaws of nearly equal length, scissors bite.
Eyes: Dark hazel or dark brown ought not to be too large.
Ears: Of moderate size, fine in texture, set low and well back; hanging in a neat fold close to the head.
Neck: Moderately long, very muscular, not too thick, slightly arched, no tendency to throatiness.


Proportionate to the size of the dog.
Chest: Deep chest reaching the elbow, rather narrow in front, ribs well sprung, leaving plenty of lung room.
Loins: Muscular and slightly arched.


Moderate length, proportionate to the size of the body, set on rather low, strong at root, tapering to a fine point. Carried level with or below the back.


Legs: well muscled and sinewy; strong bone.


Forelegs: Straight and sinewy, well boned.
Shoulders: Fine at the withers, deep and sloping well back.
Elbows: Free and well let down, not turned in or out.


Hind Legs: Long and muscular from hip to hock, from hock to ground short and strong.
Stifle and Hock Joints: Well bent and not turned in or out.


Small, very firm, toes strong arched and close together.


Free flowing, driving movement; head held high. Forelegs reaching well ahead but carried low. Hindquarters drive smoothly with great power. Crossing or weaving of legs unacceptable.


Hair: on head, front of legs and tips of ears short and fine; on other parts of body and legs of moderate length, flat, and as free as possible from curl or wave. Feather on upper portion of ears long and silky, on back of fore and hind legs long and fine; fair amount of hair on belly, forming a fringe, which may extend to chest and throat. Feet well feathered between toes. Tail having a fringe of moderately long hair, decreasing in length as it approaches the point. All feathering straight and flat.
Colour: Rich chestnut with no trace of black; white on chest, throat and toes; or small star on forehead or narrow streak or blaze on nose or face not to disqualify.

Size (Height)

Desirable height at withers:
Males: 23 ins. (58 cm) to 26.5 ins. (67 cm)
Females: 21.5 ins. (55 cm) to 24.5 ins. (62 cm)
N.B.: Male animals should have two apparently normal testicles, fully descended into the scrotum.


Any departure from the foregoing points should be considered a fault and the seriousness of the fault should be in exact proportion to its degree.


It is proposed over the next twelve (12) years to standardise the height to a range of 23 ins. (58 cm) to 26.5 ins. (67) for males and 21.5 ins (55 cm) to 24.5 ins. (62 cm) for females.
During this period, setters that are balanced and in proportion, but outside the recommended height ranges should not be penalised.

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